September - October
September 24
Join us Saturday, September 24 at Okolona Mini Park (next to the Chickasaw County Courthouse) from noon to 3 p.m. for the Black Voters Matter Rally. Local and state leaders, activists, and others will be there to learn about the next election and register to vote.
September 24
Join the 19th Annual Freedom Banquet at Miss. University for Women, Hogarth Center, in Columbus. The Columbus Lowndes County Branch NAACP is hosting Rep. Otis Anthony, State Representative District 31, and U.S. House Congressional candidate Dianne Black at 7 p.m. Tickets are $40.
New Albany
October 3
Meet Dianne Black, Democratic U.S. Congressional House candidate for MS-D1, on Monday, October 3 at 6 p.m. at the Union County Courthouse, 114 E. Bunkhouse St., New Albany. Hosted by the Union County Democratic Party.
October 3
Join the 2022 Lee County/Tupelo NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet at the Bancorp South Center at 6 p.m. Mrs. Mary Hastings, 1st vice president NAACP, Alivia Roberts, Miss District of Columbia 2022, and Dianne Black, U.S. House Congressional candidate will be in attendance. For more information, contact Mrs. Chevelle C. Rainey at 662-687-0160.
October 29
Voting: Honoring the blood that was shed. An Evening of Inspiration, Motivation and Education Annual Freedom Fund Banquet. U.S. Congressional House candidate Dianne Black will be in attendance, along with Mr. Derrick Johnson, NAACP president and CEO. Tickets are $50 and the program starts at 6:30 at the BankPlus Training Center, 7168 Moore Drive, Southaven.